A-3300, Home and Community-Based Services Waiver Programs
Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) waiver programs may have limited enrollment and are an alternative to institutionalization. A person can enroll in only one HCBS waiver at a time, but may be on the interest list for multiple HCBS waivers. Persons applying for certain HCBS waiver programs who are not already Medicaid eligible under another coverage group covered by the waiver and who meet the waiver eligibility criteria may be Medicaid eligible using the special income limit.
For additional information about HCBS waiver programs, including interest lists, see Intellectual or Developmental Disabilities (IDD) – Long-term Care.
Descriptions for some of the Home and Community-Based Services waiver programs follow in this section.
A-3310 Community Living Assistance and Support Services (CLASS)
Revision 16-1; Effective March 1, 2016
A person may be eligible for services through CLASS if the person:
- is residing in the community;
- is age 65 or older or, if less than 65, receives a Social Security Administration (SSA), Supplemental Security Income (SSI), or Railroad Retirement (RR) disability benefit or has a disability determination by HHSC, which is required;
- has an ICF/IID Level of Care (LOC) VIII;
- has an approved plan of care or service plan;
- has a service begin date no later than 30 days from certification; and
- is eligible for Medicaid using the special income limit.
Automated System Program Identifier
A-3320 Deaf Blind with Multiple Disabilities (DBMD)
Revision 16-1; Effective March 1, 2016
A person may be eligible for services through DBMD if the person:
- is residing in the community;
- is 65 or older or, if less than 65, receives a Social Security Administration (SSA), Supplemental Security Income (SSI), or Railroad Retirement (RR) disability benefit or has a disability determination by HHSC, which is required;
- has an ICF/IID Level of Care (LOC) VIII;
- has an approved plan of care or service plan;
- has a service begin date no later than 30 days from certification; and
- is eligible for Medicaid using the special income limit.
Automated System Program Identifier
Revision 16-1; Effective March 1, 2016
A person may be eligible for services through HCS if the person:
- is residing in the community;
- is age 65 or older or, if less than 65, receives a Social Security Administration (SSA), Supplemental Security Income (SSI), or Railroad Retirement (RR) disability benefit or has a disability determination by HHSC, which is required;
- has an ICF/IID Level of Care (LOC) VIII;
- has an approved plan of care or service plan;
- has a service begin date no later than 30 days from certification; and
- is eligible for Medicaid using the special income limit.
Automated System Program Identifier
A-3340 Youth Empowerment Services (YES)
Revision 16-1; Effective March 1, 2016
A person may be eligible for services through YES if the person:
- is residing in the community;
- is at least age 3, but less than age 19;
- receives a Social Security Administration (SSA), Supplemental Security Income (SSI), or Railroad Retirement (RR) disability benefit or has a disability determination by HHSC, which is required;
- meets clinical level of care criteria;
- has an approved individual plan of care (IPC);
- has a service begin date no later than 30 days from certification; and
- is eligible for Medicaid using the special income limit.
Note: This program is administered by the Department of State Health Services. For additional information, go to www.dshs.state.tx.us.
Automated System Program Identifier
A-3350 Medically Dependent Children Program (MDCP)
Revision 16-1; Effective March 1, 2016
A person may be eligible for services through MDCP if the person:
- is residing in the community;
- is less than age 21;
- receives a Social Security Administration (SSA), Supplemental Security Income (SSI), or Railroad Retirement (RR) disability benefit or has a disability determination by HHSC, which is required;
- has an MN;
- has an approved plan of care or service plan;
- has a service begin date no later than 30 days from certification; and
- is eligible for Medicaid using the special income limit.
Automated System Program Identifier
A-3360 Reserved for Future Use
Revision 16-1; Effective March 1, 2016
A-3370 Texas Home Living (TxHmL)
Revision 18-1; Effective March 1, 2018
A person may be eligible for services through TxHmL if the person:
- is residing in the community;
- has an ICF/IID Level of Care (LOC) VIII;
- has an approved plan of care or service plan; and
- is currently a Medicaid recipient.
Eligibility is not determined using the special income limit.
Automated System Program Identifier
TIERS shows this as ME-Pickle, ME-Disabled Adult Child, etc. HHSC puts the person on TxHmL.
A-3380 STAR+PLUS Waiver (SPW)
Revision 16-1; Effective March 1, 2016
The SPW provides for the managed care delivery of home and community-based Medicaid services in addition to all other services provided through STAR+PLUS.