Theory of Machines 804319-3
Theory of Machines 804319-3. Lecture 1. Introduction. Introduction. Purpose Theory of Machines Kinematics and Kinetics Machines and Mechanisms A Brief History of Kinematics Applications of Kinematics. Purpose.
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Theory of Machines 804319-3
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- Theory of Machines804319-3 Lecture 1 Introduction
- Introduction • Purpose • Theory of Machines • Kinematics and Kinetics • Machines and Mechanisms • A Brief History of Kinematics • Applications of Kinematics
- Purpose • The purpose of this course is to explore the topics of kinematics and dynamicsof machinery in respect to the synthesis of mechanisms in order to accomplish desired motions or tasks, and also the analysis of mechanisms in order to determine their rigid-body dynamic behavior. • We will begin with careful definitions of the terms used in these topics.
- Theory of Machines • The subject Theory of Machines may be defined asthat branch of Engineering-science, which deals with the study of relative motion between the various parts of a machine, and forces which act on them. The knowledge of this subject is very essential for an engineer in designing the various parts of a machine.
- Kinematics and Kinetics • Kinematics The study of motion without regard to forces. • Kinetics The study of forces on systems in motion. • These two concepts are really not physically separable. One principal aim of kinematics is to create (design) the desired motions of the subject mechanical parts and then mathematically compute the positions, velocities, and accelerations which those motions will create on the parts.
- Machines and Mechanisms • A mechanism is a device which transforms motion to some desirable pattern and typically develops very low forces and transmits little power. • A machine typically contains mechanisms which are designed to provide significant forces and transmit significant power.
- Machines and Mechanisms • A useful working definition of a mechanism is A system of elements arranged to transmit motionin a predetermined fashion. • On the other hand, a machine is A system of elements arranged to transmitmotion and energyin a predetermined fashion. • Some of the examples of mechanisms and machines are:
- Can crusher Simple press Mechanisms
- Moves packages from an assembly bench to a conveyor Rear-window wiper Microwave carrier to assist people on wheelchair Mechanisms
- Front loader Lift platform Device to close the top flap of boxes Lift platform Mechanisms
- Rowing type exercise machine Conceptual design for an exercise machine Mechanisms
- Machines Food Blender Automatic Transmission
- Machines Bulldozer Spider Robot Amusement Park Ride
- A Brief History of Kinematics • Machines and mechanisms have been devised by people since the dawn of history. • The ancient Egyptians devised primitive machines to accomplish the building of the pyramids and other monuments. Though the wheel and pulley (on an axle) were not known to the Old Kingdom Egyptians, they made use of the lever, the inclined plane (or wedge), and probably the log roller.
- A Brief History of Kinematics • A great deal of design effort was spent from early times on the problem of timekeeping as more sophisticated clockworks were devised. Much early machine design was directed toward military applications (catapults, wall scaling apparatus, etc.).
- A Brief History of Kinematics • James Watt (1736-1819) probably deserves the title of first kinematician for his synthesis of a straight-line linkage to guide the very long stroke pistons in the then new steam engines. Watt was certainly the first on record to recognize the value of the motions of the coupler link in the four-bar linkage. Watt Straight-line linkage
- A Brief History of Kinematics • Oliver Evans (1755-1819) an early American inventor, also designed a straight-line linkage for a steam engine.
- A Brief History of Kinematics • Euler (1707-1783) presented an analytical treatment of mechanisms in his Mechanicasive Motus Scienta Analytice Exposita (1736-1742), which included the concept that planar motion is composed of two independent components, namely, translation of a point and rotation of the body about that point. Euler also suggested the separation of the problem of dynamic analysis into the "geometrical" and the "mechanical" in order to simplify the determination of the system's dynamics.
- A Brief History of Kinematics Gaspard Monge (1746-1818), inventor of descriptive geometry, created a course in elements of machines and set about the task of classifying all mechanisms and machines known to mankind! His colleague, Hachette, completed the work in 1806 and published it as what was probably the first mechanism text in 1811. Gaspard Monge Jean Nicolas Pierre Hachette
- A Brief History of Kinematics • Andre Marie Ampere (1775-1836), set about the formidable task of classifying "all human knowledge." • In his Essai sur la Philosophie des Sciences, he was the first to use the term “cinematique,” from the Greek word for motion,* to describe the study of motion without regard to forces, and suggested that "this science ought to include all that can be said with respect to motion in its different kinds, independently of the forces by which it is produced.“
- A Brief History of Kinematics • Robert Willis (1800-1875) wrote the text Principles of Mechanism in 1841 while a professor of natural philosophy at the University of Cambridge, England. He attempted to systematize the task of mechanism synthesis. He counted five ways of obtaining relative motion between input and output links: rolling contact, sliding contact, linkages, wrapping connectors (belts, chains), and tackle (rope or chain hoists).
- A Brief History of Kinematics • Franz Reuleaux (1829-1905), published Theoretische Kinematik in 1875. Reuleaux defined six basic mechanical components: the link, the wheel, the cam, the screw, the ratchet, and the belt. He also defined "higher" and "lower" pairs. He is generally considered the father of modem kinematics and is responsible for the symbolic notation of skeletal, generic linkages used in all modem kinematics texts.
- Applications of Kinematics Virtually any machine or device that moves contains one or more kinematic elements such as linkages, cams, gears, belts, chains. Your bicycle is a simple example of a kinematic system that contains a chain drive to provide torque multiplication and simple cable-operated linkages for braking.
- Applications of Kinematics An automobile contains many more examples of kinematic devices. Its steering system, wheel suspensions, and piston-engine all contain linkages; the engine's valves are opened by cams; and the transmission is full of gears. Even the windshield wipers are linkage-driven.
- Applications of Kinematics Figure (a) shows a spatial linkage used to control the rear wheel movement of a modem automobile over bumps.
- Construction equipment such as tractors, cranes, and backhoes all use linkages extensively in their design. Figure (b) shows a small backhoe that is a linkage driven by hydraulic cylinders. Applications of Kinematics
- Applications of Kinematics Another application using linkages is that of exercise equipment as shown in Figure (c).
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